The best of both worlds

GUI and Command line

Immunity Debugger

Immunity Debugger (ID) is the world's only software debugger designed specifically for the security industry. It is free and is used by thousands of industry experts worldwide.

Job Advertisements in the Immunity Debugger

Advertising space for employers, job seekers, contractors, and industry experts is available within the Immunity Debugger. This offers an opportunity for experts to advertise their availability for contract or permanent work to employers who know what they are looking for. Likewise, employers can directly reach out to people with the right skill set. The potential employees will already be known to be highly skilled and capable of reverse engineering, vulnerability discovery and analysis, exploit development, digital rights management/copy protection research, and other specialist skills, since the software they're using already requires that knowledge!

How it works

Cycling advertisements are displayed in a banner in the the upper right corner of the main Immunity Debugger screen. When the user moves the mouse over the banner, further details are displayed. For job seekers, this may include a short resume and contact information. For employers, this can include further information about the position.

As seen above, in addition to display in the main screen a drop down menu also lists advertisements. This allows users to refer to an ad directly without having to wait for it to be displayed. For employers only, a user can click on "More information" and be redirected to a URL of the employer's choice.


Advertising is free for job seekers!

For employers, permanent advertisements can be included in the Immunity Debugger code base for $1000 per release. Temporary advertisements can be placed for $350 per month.

To Place an Advertisement

Job seekers can place ads online at

Employers wishing to place advertisements in the Immunity Debugger can email admin[at]immunityinc[dot]com. We will be happy to work with you to prepare your advertisements.

All advertisements must be unique and and are subject to the terms of the Advertising Disclaimer.

To Place an Advertisement

Limited to employer advertising only, there are options for both permanent and temporary advertisements. Permanent ads are hard-coded into the software, temporary ads are downloaded daily. The first time in a day that a user loads Immunity Debugger, permanent ads will display before joining the temporary ads in a continuous cycle. Subsequent loads of Immunity Debugger in a day will pick up in the list from the previously displayed ad.

Permanent advertisements

Permanent advertisements are included in the Immunity Debugger software. These advertisements have highest priority and are the first displayed every day the Immunity Debugger is started. All users, including those who do not have Internet connections, will see the permanent advertisements. Permanent advertisements can be updated along with every software release. Because they remain unchanged for at least one month, and because advertisers may have to wait a period of time before a new advertisement can be placed, these ads will be better suited for job seekers that representing an organization, such as recruiters, outsourcing companies, consulting services organizations, etc. Permanent ads are sold per release. Any advertiser can buy up to 50% of available spaces throughout the next three software releases. Orders beyond three months may be included on the Permanent Advertisement Request List. These will be added in order of requests received and will be reviewed as space becomes available.

Temporary advertisements

Temporary advertisements are refreshed daily via automatic download over the Internet. As long as there is advertising space available and the user is connected to the Internet, the advertisements will be updated daily. This allows employers to place ads immediately, reflecting specific (and perhaps urgent) position availability and other up-to-date information. Temporary advertisers can purchase up to 50% of available space at any one time. Ads can be placed in the list for a minimum of 1 month and a maximum of 6 months. Note that in this case temporary ads are available for one month from current date, not per calendar month as with permanent ads. If there is no space available for temporary ads the advertiser's request may be included on the Temporary Advertisements Request List (in order of the requests received) and notified whenever space becomes available.

For product questions or purchase information

please contact us

866-524-4782 *
